Forest County Stormwater Management

                       Forest County Stormwater Management

       Any creation of new impervious surfaces requires a Forest County Municipal Permit/Prior Approval Application with a $25.00 permit fee and filing it with the Forest County Conservation District & Planning Office. The Forest County Conservation District & Planning Department then sends the permit on to the Township to complete the building permit process.  A building permit will not be issued by the Township without the Stormwater Officer Approval signature.  Any new construction requires this permit.

     At the April 26, 2018 meeting of the Forest County Conservation District & Planning Board it was determined that any structure that is to remain past 30 days will require a Stormwater Permit under the Forest County Stormwater Ordinance.

       At the July 27, 2023 meeting of the Forest County Conservation District & Planning Board it was determined that a stormwater application for a pool will not generate a stormwater fee. The pool will act as a retention pond for stormwater. The stormwater permit is required so that a building permit may be issued for the electrical components. The square footage of the pool will be deducted from the footage of any deck or accessory structure constructed around the pool that requires a permit, to determine the square footage required for a stormwater application fee. This will not be retro-active.

Forest County Stormwater Plan
Forest County Stormwater Ordinance
Forest County Stormwater Prior Approval Application  & Instructions
Northwestern Pennsylvania Homeowner's Guide to Stormwater Management

**For Solar Energy Systems please review the Forest County Non-residential Solar Energy Systems Ordinance for regulations required.***

If you have any questions, or comments, please contact us:

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