Hickory Township

Township Supervisors
Jay Wagner - 814-463-9360
Ray DeVore - 814-779-3528
Verne James - 814-516-5525

Meetings are held the second Monday at 6:30 P.M. at the Endeavor Community Building.

Township Secretary - Office Hours Mon-Fri  9:00am - 4:00pm 
Tammy McQuiston - 814-463-7321
Fax – 814-463-0088

 Email Address

Mailing Address
PO Box 44, Endeavor, PA 16322

Tax Collector
Cynthia Crytzer
Tax payments should be mailed to: 275 Rudolph Rd, Tionesta, PA 16353

Hickory Township is committed to Fair Housing.  Find more information about Fair Housing HERE

Department Name First Name Last Name Profession Email Phone
Township Supervisors Jay Wagner Township Supervisors (814)-463-9360
Township Supervisors Ray DeVore Township Supervisor (814)-779-3528
Township Supervisors Verne James Township Supervisor (814)-516-5525
Township Secretary Tammy McQuiston Township Secretary hickorytwp@verizon.net (814)-463-7321
Tax Collector Cynthia Crytzer Tax Collector (814)-463-9298
Building Permit Officer Tammy McQuiston Building Permit Officer hickorytwp@verizon.net (814)-463-7321
Sewage Enforcement Officer    Todd Fantaskey Sewage Enforcement Officer fantaskey@atlanticbb.net (814)-723-3775